Our Customer Profiles

Collecting Organic Waste from Many Producers

Organic waste streams are generated through many different processes in our communities and industries. Our facilities are permitted to accept biosolids, food waste, landscape waste and a wide variety of biodegradable and compostable materials. We follow strict standards to ensure sage, reliable, best-in-class operations that are 100% regulatory compliant. Need transportation logistics support? We can even help create a solution to move your waste to our facilities.


From biosolids to yard waste to food waste, municipalities typically generate a very broad range of organics. Properly managing and disposing of those varied waste streams requires an equally broad and capable solution. CompostUSA accepts all these materials, and can even create a public-private partnership to help you compost organic waste streams in your local home community.

Educational Institutions

Educational institutions, especially colleges and universities, typically produce significant quantities of both pre- and post-consumer food waste. Grounds management services also generate a steady stream of green waste. Reach out to CompostUSA to discuss how we can help you collect, transport and properly dispose of these materials in an environmentally beneficial manner.

Healthcare Providers

Major healthcare providers operate on a large campus that accommodates many thousands of people 24 hours per day. Whether run in-house or outsourced to a food service provider, most have a food court or cafeteria that generates a steady stream of food waste. CompostUSA can assist you in the responsible diversion of these valuable organics to keep them out of the landfill.

Hospitality Industry

Restaurants, caterers, food service providers and other organizations involved in feeding people will always have a need for responsible disposition of food waste. From pre-consumer trimmings and spoils, to post-consumer plate scrapings and leftovers, CompostUSA is permitted to accept food waste and other compostable materials—completing the circular economy of organics.

Commercial Businesses

Food manufacturers and distributors; grocers and retailers; corporate campuses and cafeterias. Whether you're in the business of food production, or your company functions like a small municipality, CompostUSA is ready to partner with you to accept food waste, green waste and other organics and help get you reach your sustainability or zero-waste to landfill goals.

Farmers and Growers

Composting is an adaptable and rewarding method for recycling agricultural wastes. Because compost can be utilized as a natural, organic fertilizer and soil nutrient source, the process contributes to resilient soil health and ensures sustainable productive farming. Sugarcane bagasse, citrus pulp, packaging house wastes, hulls, and other vegetative wastes can be composted and returned to the earth to enhance soil health and reduce the need for imported synthetic fertilizers.