Table to Farm

Recovering Value from the Food Stream

Food waste is the largest component of municipal waste, the majority of which gets dumped and buried in landfills where its value can never be recovered. Even worse, the decomposition of food waste produces the potent greenhouse gas methane which contributes to global warming. CompostUSA takes in food waste, and transforms it into high-quality organic composts and soil blends so the carbon can be recovered and returned to the soil.

What CompostUSA Can Accept

We accept a wide variety of food waste and can manage load sizes ranging from ABC to multiple full-sized loads per day. We have the experience and expertise to develop food waste collection programs. Contact a CompostUSA recycling expert to discuss your needs.

Cheese, Yogurt, Ice Cream


Cooked Food

Coffee Grounds, Tea Leaves

Egg Shells

Fruit and Salad Trimmings

Vegetable Peelings

Consumable Liquids or Sauces

Food Oils (no grease trap or used fryer oil)

Plate Scrapings

Fats, Butter, Spreads

Potatoes, Rice, Pasta

Meat, Fish, Poultry

Bread, Bagels and Bakery Goods

Plastic Bags or Film

Hard Plastics

Gloves or Hairnets

Wax Produce Boxes


Cotton Cloth or Diapers

Bottles or Buckets

Masks or Wipes



Foil, Wire, Rubber Bands

Non-Consumable Liquids

Painted or Treated Wood

Aluminum Cans


Pre-Consumer vs. Post-Consumer

What's the difference?

Pre-ConsumerAny food material that is discarded before it reaches the consumer—preparatory trimmings and diminished-quality or expired items. This food waste is generally more easily collected and composted because it is fairly simple to train food preparation employees to properly separate compostable food scraps from other non‐organic waste.
Post-ConsumerHighly regulated and more challenging to compost, post-consumer food waste is subject to contamination. Additional steps to separate food from plastics, tableware, foil and other inorganics are usually necessary. Receptacles designated for food waste only, directional signage, and effective education or training can make a difference in diverting this waste stream.

We Can Make a Difference Together

Recycling food waste is one of the most important initiatives we have for sustaining natural resources and improving the environment. We are proud to provide a solution that supports this initiative. As your partner, we can help you be a part of the solution and support the following goals:

Proactive environmental policy

Sustainable stewardship

Generate awareness and promotion

Responsible practices

Achieve mandated diversion goals

Extend landfill capacity

Close the green loop by returning organics to the soil